Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Hey Kimble,

I didn't have an opportunity to talk about our trip the other day, we found ourselves sort of off the grid and let me just say Monday was a hard day, boy howdy was it a dozy. We put behind us another 108 miles and crossed into Iowa. We braved heat, 17 mph head winds with some more wind and some heat added in for good measure. Our goal was a town called Lemars, Iowa - which is apparently the Ice Cream Capital of the World. I guess we should have had some ice cream, however instead we made an ice bath and fell asleep in it, drank lots of water and enjoyed a nice dinner. Much aloe was applied that evening and we dropped a cool $10 bucks on some SPF 50 sunscreen as sun block was sold out. Not too exciting ending to the day my friend, but it was a really hard one to say the least.

The next morning was a blessing, no sun, just a drizzle all day with more of that pesky head wind. Our first flat tyre happened along a lonely stretch of back road. Not to worry, I'm an expert at the art of fixing flats, we have 9 more tubes which I hope get us the balance of the trip. We actually tore the tyre, but we used an ancient old secret I learned, you fold up a $1 bill and put it over the tear (on the inside of the tyre), this will prevent the tube from popping threw the rip in the tyre. So far so good, just have to remember there is a $1 in my tyre. Within 30 miles we where crossing a bridge and entering Nebraska, the land of bug-eaters, Corn huskers and tree they have been called in the past. You would think Nebraska is flat, so did I. Well Kimble, little side note, route 35 from Sioux City, IA to Norfolk, NE has a LOT of hills, long, rip your legs off hills that make you want to cry; however we are tough and we didn't cry, we just kept on peddling and turned the music up louder. 107 miles later, with one wrong turn which we don't need to speak of, we made it to Norfolk, NE, the tenth largest city in Nebraska, where buffets are plenty and yet another town AT&T is unaware of. We settled into our room, applied yet more aloe, soaked in the tub, showered off, brushed our teeth (we must always brush) and where soon sleeping for the night.

It was fun riding with you Kimble, you pushed me pretty hard those past couple of days, but we did it. Thanks.

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