Aidan Kekoa was born on March 6, 2009 at 4lbs 2oz with Tetralogy of Fallot and severe pulmonary stenosis. Tetralogy of Fallot is a complicated heart defect that has four charecteristics. Aidan was the worst of the two types of ToF babies, he was a blue tet and only oxygenated around 70% on his own. He underwent his first heart surgery when he was 21 days old and did not come home until he was 2 ½ months old. This was just a temporary repair. We then went back to The Children’s Hospital for his 2nd heart surgery/full repair when he was 5 ½ months old. It was a 9 hour surgery that gave him the opportunity to have a life just like everyone else. After 2 ½ weeks of recover Aidan came home with a new lease on life and energy that we never thought possible!
Aidan is now 4 years old. He has undergone multiple cardiac catheterizations since his full repair because he still suffers from his sever pulmonary stenosis. This June we had Cardiac Cath #7. The doctors at the Children’s Hospital went in and placed a second Pulmonary stent and this has given him so much energy and allowed him to play without being so tired after 10 steps! He now can keep up with his friends on the playground most days.
Although he has his good and bad days we have had more good than bad lately thanks to the amazing doctors that care for him. After everything, the Cath labs and surgeries, Aidan always smiles and his strength & bravery shines brightly! He is such an inspiration and amazes me every day! I am so grateful to the surgeons, doctors, and nurses at The Children’s Hospital that cared for him daily and gave him such an amazing opportunity at life. I am so blessed to have a little boy like Aidan, he is a miracle baby, and I thank the Lord for him every day!
Cory, I am so deeply moved by what you did for Mended Little Hearts. Aidan is my grandson. I can never thank you enough. ♥
What a wonderful and inspiring story! I am a friend of Aidan's grandmother and I know how much Mended Little Hearts has meant to Aidan and his loving family. ♥
I want to thank you for all you have done for these precious children. I am friends with Aidan's grandmother. You have brought hope and smiles to many.
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